
What's the most idiomatic way of working with an Iterator of Results?

I have code like this:

let things = vec![/* ...*/]; // e.g. Vec<String>
    .map(|thing| {
        let a = try!(do_stuff(thing));
    .filter(|thing_result| match *thing_result {
        Err(e) => true,
        Ok(a) => check(a),
    .map(|thing_result| {
        let a = try!(thing_result);
        // do stuff
    .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()

In terms of semantics, I want to stop processing after the first error.

The above code works, but it feels quite cumbersome. Is there a better way? I've looked through the docs for something like filter_if_ok, but I haven't found anything.

I am aware of collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>, and it works great. I'm specifically trying to eliminate the following boilerplate:

Is there another approach I can use to get this level of conciseness, or do I just need to tough it out?


  • You can implement these iterators yourself. See how filter and map are implemented in the standard library.

    map_ok implementation:

    pub struct MapOkIterator<I, F> {
        iter: I,
        f: F,
    impl<A, B, E, I, F> Iterator for MapOkIterator<I, F>
        F: FnMut(A) -> B,
        I: Iterator<Item = Result<A, E>>,
        type Item = Result<B, E>;
        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
  |x| self.f))
    pub trait MapOkTrait {
        fn map_ok<F, A, B, E>(self, func: F) -> MapOkIterator<Self, F>
            Self: Sized + Iterator<Item = Result<A, E>>,
            F: FnMut(A) -> B,
            MapOkIterator {
                iter: self,
                f: func,
    impl<I, T, E> MapOkTrait for I
        I: Sized + Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>>,

    filter_ok is almost the same:

    pub struct FilterOkIterator<I, P> {
        iter: I,
        predicate: P,
    impl<I, P, A, E> Iterator for FilterOkIterator<I, P>
        P: FnMut(&A) -> bool,
        I: Iterator<Item = Result<A, E>>,
        type Item = Result<A, E>;
        fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<A, E>> {
            for x in self.iter.by_ref() {
                match x {
                    Ok(xx) => if (self.predicate)(&xx) {
                        return Some(Ok(xx));
                    Err(_) => return Some(x),
    pub trait FilterOkTrait {
        fn filter_ok<P, A, E>(self, predicate: P) -> FilterOkIterator<Self, P>
            Self: Sized + Iterator<Item = Result<A, E>>,
            P: FnMut(&A) -> bool,
            FilterOkIterator {
                iter: self,
                predicate: predicate,
    impl<I, T, E> FilterOkTrait for I
        I: Sized + Iterator<Item = Result<T, E>>,

    Your code may look like this:

    ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
        .map(|x| x.parse::<u16>().map(|a| a + 10))
        .filter_ok(|x| x % 2 == 0)
        .map_ok(|x| x + 100)
        .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, std::num::ParseIntError>>()
