
youku search JS API in english

I need the youku (China youtube) API in English or an explanation how to use it. This is the code from youtube I want to write with youku:

url: '',
data: {
       'part': 'snippet',
       'q': this.searchBox.val(),
       'type': 'video',
       'key': '***key***'

Thank you!

Edit: This topic was for everyone who wants to work with youku API. I edited my question and I provided the correct answer. You have to work with translator (no English version) and this is the correct path:

Please ready the Developer agreement as well:

Good luck.


  • EDIT: I found the correct link, and you can use the browser to translate to english.

    The closest thing I can find to help you out this this thread, which contains a link that appears to go to Youku API documentation. I cannot get that link to open however. I hope this helps.