I want to dynamically filter a JDBI query.
The a list of parameters is passed from the UI via REST e.g.
Which is (clumsily) built (Jersey @Context UriInfo::getQueryParameters -> StringBuilder) to something like this:
WHERE foo=bar AND baz=taz
And passed to JDBI which looks like this:
public interface ThingDAO {
@SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM things <where>)
List<Thing> findThingsWhere(@Define("where") String where);
As far as I understand the current implementation is vulnerable to SQL injection. I can obviously sanitize the column names but not the values. 1
There must be a more elegant and SQL Injection proof way of doing this.
Inspired by Jean-Bernard I came up with this:
public class WhereClause {
public HashMap<String, String> queryValues; // [<"foo","bar">, <"baz","taz">]
public String preparedString; // "WHERE foo=:foo AND bar=:baz"
Which is bound via a custom Binder BindWhereClause
public @interface BindWhereClause {
class WhereClauseBinderFactory implements BinderFactory {
public Binder build(Annotation annotation) {
return new Binder<BindWhereClause, WhereClause>() {
public void bind(SQLStatement q, BindWhereClause bind, WhereClause clause) {
.forEach(s -> q.bind(s, clause.queryValues.get(s)));
And a combination of @Define
and @Bind
public interface ThingDAO {
@SqlQuery("SELECT * FROM things <where>")
List<Thing> findThingsWhere(@Define("where") String where,
@BindWhereClause() WhereClause whereClause);
This should be injection proof. (is it?)