
How to fix consecutive hyphens did not terminate a comment error?

with the w3 validator ( scan my project but that's found a error.

Error: Consecutive hyphens did not terminate a comment. -- is not permitted inside a comment, but e.g. - - is. At line 135, column 8 ↩

all of the that line :

</ul></div></div><!-- end #main-nav -->

Why I get this error? How can fix that?

Thank you


  • It is an old post but I've stumbled upon a similar problem.

    The validation error states that -- are not permitted INSIDE a comment so the following code will throw an error:

    <!-- Commented resource
    Some HTML here
    <!-- /comment stops here -->

    This code will not return a validation error:

    <!-- Commented resource
    Some HTML here
    /comments stop here -->

    This usually happens when you have somenthing with comments and then decide to comment everything and you leave the closing comment intact.