I am writing a driver for FRAM for a robot, and all of a sudden I started getting this error:
C:\Users\james\AppData\Local\Temp\cciezvMm.o: In function `_FRAM_driver_setup':
(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `_FRAM_driver_setup'
cmm/FRAM_driver.o:(.text+0x0): first defined here
C:\Users\james\AppData\Local\Temp\cciezvMm.o: In function `_FRAM_log_data':
(.text+0xf): multiple definition of `_FRAM_log_data'
cmm/FRAM_driver.o:(.text+0xf): first defined here
C:\Users\james\AppData\Local\Temp\cciezvMm.o: In function `_FRAM_read_data':
(.text+0x7a): multiple definition of `_FRAM_read_data'
cmm/FRAM_driver.o:(.text+0x7a): first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Done. Build Failed!
I am not sure what brought this about, but I have not been able to find multiple definitions in my code. Here is the header file:
#ifndef FRAM_DRIVER_H_
#define FRAM_DRIVER_H_
#include "simpletools.h"
typedef struct FRAM_driver_type {
i2c* busID;
} FRAM_driver_type;
void FRAM_driver_setup(FRAM_driver_type* ptr, int sclPin, int sdaPin,
int sclDrive);
void FRAM_log_data(unsigned char* string, FRAM_driver_type* ptr);
void FRAM_read(FRAM_driver_type* ptr);
Here is the c file:
#include "FRAM_driver.h"
#define FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR (0x50)
#define FRAM_MAX_MEM_ADDRESS (0x00)
#define FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR (0x01)
#define FRAM_ADDR_SIZE ( 2 )
#define FRAM_DATA_SIZE ( 1 )
#define INT_SIZE ( 1 )
void FRAM_driver_setup(FRAM_driver_type* ptr, int sclPin, int sdaPin,
int sclDrive){
ptr->busID = i2c_newbus(sclPin, sdaPin, sclDrive);
void FRAM_log_data(unsigned char* data, FRAM_driver_type* ptr){
// Create a static integer initialized to the first memory address of the
// FRAM. It is 0x01 instead of 0x00 because 0x00 is going to be used to
// store the last memory adress being used. Also, create the int data_Size
// and set it equal to the length of the string plus one.
static int mem_Addr = FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR;
int data_Size = strlen(data) + 1;
// Send the size of the data being sent to the next available memory
// address. This allows the FRAM_read_data funtion to know what size of
// data to read. Then increment up by one memory address.
i2c_out(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR, mem_Addr, FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, data_Size,
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
mem_Addr += 0x01;
// Write data to the next address when the FRAM is not busy, then increment
// the memory address by one again.
i2c_out(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR, mem_Addr, FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, data,
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
mem_Addr += 0x01;
// Write the last memory address used to the first memory address of the
// FRAM. Then wait for the FRAM to not be busy.
mem_Addr, INT_SIZE);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
void FRAM_read_data(FRAM_driver_type* ptr){
// Initialize unsigned characters to receive data from i2c_in.
unsigned char logged_Data = 1;
unsigned char logged_Data_Size;
unsigned char last_Memory_Address;
// Get the last memory address written to from FRAM_MAX_MEM_ADDRESS and
// store it in last_Memory_Address.
&last_Memory_Address, INT_SIZE);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
// Loop through all of the filled memory addresses in the FRAM and print
// the logged data in each address.
for (int i = FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR; i <= last_Memory_Address; i+=2){
// Get the data_Size from the odd memory address and store it in
// logged_Data_Size. Then wait until the FRAM isn't busy.
i2c_in(ptr->busID, i, FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR,
FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, &logged_Data_Size, INT_SIZE);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
// Use logged_Data_Size to store the data to logged_Data and then print
// the data. Wait until the FRAM isn't busy.
i2c_in(ptr->busID, i++, FRAM_FIRST_MEM_ADDR,
FRAM_ADDR_SIZE, &logged_Data, logged_Data_Size);
print("Log: %d \n", logged_Data);
while(i2c_busy(ptr->busID, FRAM_DEFAULT_ADDR));
Lastly, here is the testbench file:
#include "FRAM_driver.h"
#define FRAM_SCL_PIN 28
#define FRAM_SDA_PIN 29
static FRAM_driver_type fram_obj;
int main() {
const unsigned char* data = 2;
FRAM_driver_setup(&fram_obj, FRAM_SCL_PIN, FRAM_SDA_PIN, 0);
FRAM_log_data(data , &fram_obj);
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I am using simpleIDE and the simpletools library for a Propeller microcontroller.
SimpleIDE was including a backup of a file that was not included in the project directories. Actually, I couldn't find it anywhere. It was as if it was creating the backup copy of the code I was working on and then storing it in a temporary location whenever I ran the code. The file was removed from the SimpleIDE project files and then it worked.