I have looked for solutions, but there doesn't seem to be much on this topic. I have found solutions that suggest:
String unicodeString = new String("utf8 here");
byte[] bytes = String.getBytes("UTF8");
String converted = new String(bytes,"UTF16");
for converting to utf16 from utf8, however, java doesn't handle "UTF32", which makes this solution unviable. Does anyone know any other way on how to achieve this?
after searching I got this to work:
public static String convert16to32(String toConvert){
for (int i = 0; i < toConvert.length(); ) {
int codePoint = Character.codePointAt(toConvert, i);
i += Character.charCount(codePoint);
//System.out.printf("%x%n", codePoint);
String utf32 = String.format("0x%x%n", codePoint);
return utf32;
return null;