
What does the operator ?= mean?

I have a hamlc (known as Haml + Inline CoffeeScript) which has a line like

- @variable1 ?= @object1.element[0]

I wonder if this means: if @object1.element[0] has a value then store it inside @variable1.

I cannot find any info about hamlc. Also, if what I understand is right, what if I want to add an else condition?


  • The ?= operator is known as the existential operator in CoffeeScript.

    From the docs:

    It's a little difficult to check for the existence of a variable in JavaScript. if (variable) ... comes close, but fails for zero, the empty string, and false. CoffeeScript's existential operator ? returns true unless a variable is null or undefined, which makes it analogous to Ruby's nil?

    That means that the way it works is, using your example:

     @variable1 ?= @object1.element[0]

    If @variable1 is null or undefined, assign @object1.element[0] to it.

    what if I want to add the condition for "else" ?

    @variable1 = 
      if @variable1?
        # your else clause here