I wrote a little program which has to display the mandelbrot set, in haskell, using Gtk2Hs.
thought there is no compilation error, nothing is displayed in the canvas (the component in which the points are colored)...
could you help me to debug this logical error?
my code:
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Builder ()
main :: IO()
main = do
_ <- initGUI
builder <- builderNew
builderAddFromFile builder "09-mandelbrot.ui"
window <- builderGetObject builder castToWindow "Figure de Mandelbrot"
canvas <- builderGetObject builder castToDrawingArea "drawingarea1"
_ <- onExpose canvas $ const (updateCanvas canvas)
widgetShowAll window
updateCanvas :: DrawingArea -> IO Bool
updateCanvas canvas = do
win <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
(width, height) <- widgetGetSize canvas
_ <- mapM_ (affiche win) (points (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))
return True
k :: Int
mandelbrot :: Double -> Double -> Bool
mandelbrot a b =
mandelrec :: Double -> Double -> Int -> Bool
mandelrec x y i
| (x * x + y * y > 4) = False
| (i==k) && (x * x + y * y <= 4) = True
| otherwise = mandelrec x' y' (i+1)
where x' = x * x - y * y + a
y' = 2 * x * y + b
in mandelrec 0 0 0
affiche2 :: DrawWindow -> Double -> Double -> IO()
affiche2 win a b = do
renderWithDrawable win $ setSourceRGB 0 1 0
renderWithDrawable win $ setLineWidth 1
renderWithDrawable win $ C.rectangle a b 1 1
renderWithDrawable win stroke
affiche :: DrawWindow -> ((Double,Double), (Double,Double)) -> IO ()
affiche win ((a0,a), (b0,b)) = when (mandelbrot a b) $ postGUIAsync (affiche2 win a0 b0)
colonnes :: Double -> [(Double, Double)]
colonnes w = [ (t,t/w*4-2) | t<-[0..(w-1)] ]
lignes :: Double -> [(Double, Double)]
lignes h = [ (t,t/h*4-2) | t<-[0..(h-1)] ]
points :: Double -> Double -> [((Double, Double), (Double, Double))]
points w h = [ (colonne,ligne)| colonne <- colonnes w,ligne <- lignes h]
main() is not interesting, it works, I am sure. update_canvas grab some values (width, height, win) and call the side-effect function, affiche, providing it the values in "points" (points contains the good values, namely the coordinates of the points between [-2..2] for the 2 axes. mandelbrot is good, since I succeeded in drawing the mandelbrot set (yet all points were drawed together). I think if there is a problem, it could come from affiche or affiche2, but I'm new to Gtk programming.
thank you.
Well, it works with your change, but why? and I have another question : if I raise the parameter k (say to 1000), the set is displayed only 17 seconds after having launched the program, and it is displayed very quickly; but that's not what I would like : I want the points be drawed as soon as they are computed. DO you know what change I must do?
here is a code which - works : it displays the image in <10s - doesn't use any UI or GLADE file - draws points after all are computed
module Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Builder ()
main :: IO()
main = do
_ <- initGUI
window <- windowNew
windowSetPosition window WinPosCenter
windowSetDefaultSize window 500 350
set window [windowTitle := "Ensemble de Mandelbrot"]
on window objectDestroy mainQuit
canvas <- drawingAreaNew
canvas `on` sizeRequest $ return (Requisition 450 300)
window `containerAdd` canvas
_ <- onExpose canvas $ const (updateCanvas canvas)
widgetShowAll window
updateCanvas :: DrawingArea -> IO Bool
updateCanvas canvas = do
win <- widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
(width, height) <- widgetGetSize canvas
_ <- mapM_ (affiche win) (points (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height))
return True
k :: Int
k=100 -- 100 : after launching, u must wait less than 10s
mandelbrot :: Double -> Double -> Bool
mandelbrot a b =
mandelrec :: Double -> Double -> Int -> Bool
mandelrec x y i
| (x * x + y * y > 4) = False
| (i==k) && (x * x + y * y <= 4) = True
| otherwise = mandelrec x' y' (i+1)
where x' = x * x - y * y + a
y' = 2 * x * y + b
in mandelrec 0 0 0
affiche2 :: DrawWindow -> Double -> Double -> IO()
affiche2 win a b = renderWithDrawable win $ do
setSourceRGB 0 0 0
setLineWidth 1
C.rectangle a b 1 1
affiche :: DrawWindow -> ((Double,Double), (Double,Double)) -> IO ()
affiche win ((a0,a), (b0,b)) = when (mandelbrot a b) $ postGUIAsync (affiche2 win a0 b0)
colonnes :: Double -> [(Double, Double)]
colonnes w = [ (t,t/w*4-2) | t<-[0..(w-1)] ]
lignes :: Double -> [(Double, Double)]
lignes h = [ (t,t/h*4-2) | t<-[0..(h-1)] ]
points :: Double -> Double -> [((Double, Double), (Double, Double))]
points w h = [ (colonne,ligne)| colonne <- colonnes w,ligne <- lignes h]
While i haven't worked with Gtk2Hs, i guess the problem is in affiche2
. Try changing it to this:
affiche2 win a b = do
renderWithDrawable win $ do
setSourceRGB 0 1 0
setLineWidth 1
C.rectangle a b 1 1