I'm currently trying to write a couple of bytes to a specific block. My read commands work fine and I am able to read any block of my tag using the code below:
command = new byte[]{
(byte) 0x02, // Flags
(byte) 0x23, // Command: Read multiple blocks
(byte) 0x09, // First block (offset)
(byte) 0x03 // Number of blocks // MAX READ SIZE: 32 blocks:1F
byte[] data = nfcvTag.transceive(command);
When I try to write with the code below, my app crashes.
Write = new byte[]{
(byte) 0x02, // Flags
(byte) 0x21, // Command: Write 1 blocks
(byte) 0x5A, // First block (offset)
(byte) 0x41 // Data
I'm doing this in an AsyncTask and getting the java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()
Any tips? The tag is a STMicroelectronics M24LR04E-R
Figured it out. I was only writing 8 bits of data while the tag has 32 bits per block. Added 3 0x00's and the write was successful.
Write = new byte[]{
(byte) 0x02, // Flags
(byte) 0x21, // Command: Write 1 blocks
(byte) 0x5A, // First block (offset)
(byte) 0x41,
(byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x00,
(byte) 0x00