
RecyclerView - Scroll To Position Not Working Every Time

I have implemented a horizontal scrollable RecyclerView. My RecyclerView uses a LinearLayoutManager, and the problem I am facing is that when I try to use scrollToPosition(position) or smoothScrollToPosition(position) or from LinearLayoutManager's scrollToPositionWithOffset(position). Neither works for me. Either a scroll call doesn't scroll to the desired location or it doesn't invoke the OnScrollListener.

So far I have tried so many different combinations of code that I cannot post them all here. Following is the one that works for me (But only partially):

public void smoothUserScrollTo(final int position) {

    if (position < 0 || position > getAdapter().getItemCount()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "An attempt to scroll out of adapter size has been stopped.");

    if (getLayoutManager() == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Cannot scroll to position a LayoutManager is not set. " +
                "Call setLayoutManager with a non-null layout.");

    if (getChildAdapterPosition(getCenterView()) == position) {



    if (lastScrollPosition == position) {

        addOnLayoutChangeListener(new OnLayoutChangeListener() {
            public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) {

                if (left == oldLeft && right == oldRight && top == oldTop && bottom == oldBottom) {


                    // removing the following line causes a position - 3 effect.

    lastScrollPosition = position;

public void scrollToPosition(int position) {
    if (position < 0 || position > getAdapter().getItemCount()) {
        Log.e(TAG, "An attempt to scroll out of adapter size has been stopped.");

    if (getLayoutManager() == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Cannot scroll to position a LayoutManager is not set. " +
                "Call setLayoutManager with a non-null layout.");

//      stopScroll();

        ((LinearLayoutManager) getLayoutManager()).scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, 0);
//        getLayoutManager().scrollToPosition(position);

I opted for scrollToPositionWithOffset() because of this but the case perhaps is different as I use a LinearLayoutManager instead of GridLayoutManager. But the solution does work for me too, but as I said earlier only partially.

If anyone has found a work around I'd Appreciate it. Here's the gist to my code of custom ReyclerView.


  • I had the same issue some weeks ago, and found only a really bad solution to solve it. Had to use a postDelayed with 200-300ms.

    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    }, 200);

    If you found a better solution, please let me know! Good luck!