I use a regular expression to on a user-inputted field to make sure that they have entered between 1 and 20 characters.
Here's the code:
$post_validations = array("title" => '/^[[:alnum:][:punct:][:space:]]{1,100}$/');
But whenever a user enters a foreign character, or a special quote character from MS Word (I can't paste it into here, it converts it to a normal quote!) the regex doesn't return true, and it shows an error.
I wondered what would be the best regex to use?
If all you want is know that it is between 1 and 20 characters, why not use strlen()
$length = strlen($title);
if($length >= 1 and $length <=20)
echo "VALID";
echo "Invalid";
[EDIT]: Checking whether aplhanumeric or puctuation:
And if you also want to check whether the string contains any non-printable characters that may cause problem, just use ctype_graph()
if(ctype_graph ($title))
echo "Only alphanumeric or punctuation";
echo "Invalid non-printable characters found";
[EDIT 2]:
If you also want the spaces to be validated, just use this:
if(ctype_graph(str_replace(' ', '',$title))