I'm trying to get the user to select a file from a folder containing log files. So I want to display an NSOpenDialog showing the contents of that folder. I'm using Swift, so 10.9+
I see a number of threads on this topic here, but in spite of trying what appears to be the same code converted to Swift, it invariably returns to the Documents folder. Here's a sample:
let fd: NSOpenPanel = NSOpenPanel()
fd.directoryURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath("~/LauncherLogs", isDirectory: true)
fd.canChooseDirectories = false
fd.canChooseFiles = true
fd.allowedFileTypes = ["log"]
The folder in question does exist, and copy and pasting the path into the Go to Folder... in the Finder goes right there. Any ideas?
You need to expand the tilde
and NSString has a hand method for this so:
let launcherLogPathWithTilde = "~/LauncherLogs" as NSString
let expandedLauncherLogPath = launcherLogPathWithTilde.stringByExpandingTildeInPath
fd.directoryURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(expandedLauncherLogPath, isDirectory: true)
+1 upvote for Martin for mentioning it.