
XmStringGenerate() in XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT or XmWIDECHAR_TEXT mode

I'm trying to display some Unicode (Cyrillic, actually) using XmLabel and a server-side XLFD font (-monotype-arial-medium-r-normal--*-90-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1). Whenever I use XmStringCreate() or XmStringCreateLtoR() as an XmString factory, the result meets my expectations.

When I try to use XmStringGenerate() factory, however, passing in either XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT for a multi-byte Unicode string, or XmWIDECHAR_TEXT for a wide string, garbage is rendered onto the screen, regardless of the font used (I tried both UTF-8 and single-byte Cyrillic server-side fonts).

The result can be seen below (the 1st 2 lines are ok, 2nd through 6th labels were created with XmStringGenerate() and are obviously not ok):

enter image description here

The complete code (requires Motif 2.1+ and a C99-compliant compiler) is here.

Can anyone suggest a working XmStringGenerate() example suitable for displaying Unicode characters (not just ISO-8859-1)?


  • XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT is locale-dependent, as n.m suggested, and, aside from CJK (i. e. for Roman and Slavic languages), can only be used in UTF-8 locales. Core X11 fonts can be specified as either fonts (XmFONT_IS_FONT):


    or font sets (XmFONT_IS_FONTSET):


    Speaking of XmWIDECHAR_TEXT mode, it seems impossible to specify a proper font with an explicit encoding, but setting a font set instead works perfectly for Motif 2.1 through 2.3.