
What is the correct way to add bootstrap to a symfony app?

I'm using symfony framework 3 to develop a web application. I need to add boostrap's functionality to my application. I installed bootstrap using the below command. (I'm using composer.)

composer require twbs/bootstrap

It installs bootstrap to the application's vendor folder. More specifically vendor\twbs\bootstrap.

I need to attach bootstrap's css and js files in the application's twig templates (located in app\Resources\views) as assets.


<link href="{{ asset('css/bootstrap.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />

But assets only work with files located in the web (web\bundles\framework) folder. I can copy those .css and .js files from the vendor folder to web folder manually to make this work but there should be a proper way to do it (i.e.: to add assets). e.g.: A command with bin/console?

Any help is appreciated.


  • The Symfony Best Practies gives the answer for this Problem:

    If you are developing an application like this, you should use the tools that are recommended by the technology, such as Bower and GruntJS. You should develop your frontend application separately from your Symfony backend (even separating the repositories if you want).

    In our project we use grunt to build and concat those files into the web-folder.