I have a string variable that contains 3 trs:
$string = '<tr><td> Total 1 </td><td>779,00</td></tr><tr><td> Total 2 </td><td>867,25</td></tr><tr><td> Total 3 </td><td>939,00</td></tr>';
I try to split the string to get 3 <tr>...</tr>
I have tried :
$match = preg_split('[(<tr[^>]*>.*?</tr>)]', $string , NULL, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
but I don't get good results.
I don't recommend using regex to parse your HTML, but if you want to anyways, here is the correct way of doing it:
$regexPattern = "/<tr>(.*?)<\\/tr>/";
$string = "<tr><td> Total 1 </td><td>779,00</td></tr><tr><td> Total 2 </td><td>867,25</td></tr><tr><td> Total 3 </td><td>939,00</td></tr>";
preg_match_all($regexPattern , $string , $matches);
As requested, here is the regex to include the tags:
$regexPattern = "/(<tr>.*?<\\/tr>)/";
Good luck.