I am trying to make an app. I have implements the following sliding up panel https://github.com/umano/AndroidSlidingUpPanel
I am not able to figure out that how should I change the buttons when the panel is slided up.
For example, look the images attached
When the sliding panel is in the bottom, the pause, next and previous buttons are shown.
When I drag the panel up , the buttons are changed to some kind of toolbar with the "Now playing" text and other buttons
How can I implement this in my app?
Thanks in advance!
There is a listener and callback methods with this library and you can manipulate the panel
using an anonymous inner class that implements the interface methods, basic example :
SlidingUpPaneLayout = (SlidingUpPanelLayout) findViewById(R.id.sliding_layout);
mSlidingUpPaneLayout.setPanelSlideListener(new SlidingUpPanelLayout.PanelSlideListener() {
public void onPanelSlide(View panel, float slideOffset) {
public void onPanelCollapsed(View panel) {
public void onPanelExpanded(View panel) {
public void onPanelAnchored(View panel) {
public void onPanelHidden(View panel) {
In your case you could use a FrameLayout
with 2 views, toggling the visibility to each view when the panel is closed or expanded, or something similar.