I have to write a little programm in C with WindRiver, which creates three threads:
To kill a thread, I want to wait to make sure it is created, so I found that I could use sleep()
to let another thread takes over and let it create itself. But they all die with the sleep.
I came up with this code:
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define NUM_THREAD 3
int theRandomNumber = 0;
void *RandomNumber (void *threadid){
int id = (int) threadid;
theRandomNumber = rand() % 50;
printf("Thread %d: Random: %d \n", id, theRandomNumber);
return 0;
void *CheckNumber (void *threadid){
int id = (int) threadid;
printf("Thread #%d is active and going to sleep now\n", id);
//here he dies without annoucing anything or something
printf("Thread #%d is active again and back from sleep\n", id);
if (id == 1){
if (theRandomNumber >= 25){
printf("THREAD %d: Thread #2 is closed \n", id);
if (theRandomNumber < 25){
printf("THREAD %d: Thread #1 is closed \n", id);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){
pthread_t threads[NUM_THREAD];
int t = 0;
printf("in main: create thread #%d \n", t);
pthread_create (&threads[t], NULL, RandomNumber, (void *) t++);
printf("in main: create thread #%d \n", t);
pthread_create (&threads[t], NULL, CheckNumber, (void *) t++);
printf("in main: create thread #%d \n", t);
pthread_create (&threads[t], NULL, CheckNumber, (void *) t++);
The part with the Randomnumber
works fine, I left it out here but I can post it on request.
After a thread reaches the sleep()
, it's getting terminated.
Console Log:
in main: create thread #0
in main: create thread #1
in main: create thread #2
Thread #0: Random: 8
Thread #1 is active and going to sleep now
Thread #2 is active and going to sleep now
Nothing happens after sleep. Any ideas?
Leave main()
by calling pthread_exit()
, to only exit the "main" thread, else ending main()
ends the process and with this all its remaining threads.
Alternatively let main()
join all threads via calling pthread_join()
on each PThread-id returned by the calls to pthread_create()