
Installed FB 4.7 but cannot manage to install AIR SDK 3.7

I always get the error iOS Simulator launch requires AIR SDK 3.4 or higher when I try launching a mobile app on iOS Simulator.

I did everything they say on there website: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-builder/kb/overlay-air-sdk-flash-builder.html

Which is basically just overwrite the AIRSDK directory with the new AIR SDK from: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/air-sdk-download.html

And as long as I have AIR 3.6 or higher which I have ( 3.7 ), I just need to change the project's application descriptor to the right version.

I went on and checked this forum post about it: http://forum.starling-framework.org/topic/flash-builder-47-update-tips

Here there is a mention that the AIR SDK must not be downloaded from the usual place, which is the one I used. It also says I could install the Gaming SDK which I did. I installed the earlier version 3.6. Went to their other website to check for versions: http://helpx.adobe.com/air/kb/archived-air-sdk-version.html I installed the version 3.7 from this other site and also the 3.6. Same problem over and over..

I am just missing something but what?

Thanks, Dave


  • Yes, the over lay guide is just wrong in terms of where the IDE gets its AIRSDK (mainly the adt command invocation) files from. In order to see where your IDE gets it from you have to look at the launch command, to do this

    /usr/bin/java -d32 -jar /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/sdks/4.6.0/lib/adt.jar -package -target ipa-ad-hoc -hideAneLibSymbols no -provisioning-profile path-to-your-provisioning file -storetype pkcs12 -keystore path-to-your-ios-developer-certificate -storepass Main.ipa Main-app.xml .DS_Store assets Default-568h@2x.png Main.swf -extdir path-to-your-external-libs

    if you look at the adt being invoked you see that it is not using the one eclipse/plugins/com.adobe.flash.compiler_xxx/AIRSDK/bin/adt.jar so it doesn't matter which version of air sdk you have in the AIRSDK folder under eclipse plugins, because those files are not used by your IDE at all. Idk why Adobe is misleading everyone like so.

    So in order for you to properly update the AIR sdk that your project is using, you need to change the flex compiler from the default 4.6.0 (which uses AIR sdk version 3.1 afaik), to the latest AIR sdk or the air sdk version of your choice, in order to do this you need follow below steps

    enter image description here

    It opens a page like shown in the above picture. If you click on the yellow Download now button it will down the merged air sdk + compiler files. What you need is only the air sdk so in the black encircled area click on the MAC link.(For mac ofc)

    Then you edit the following files in the frameworks directory,

    Update xml files:


    In Flash Builder go to Preferences > Flash Builder > Installed Flex SDKs, add the new 4.6.0_AIR21.0 path, give it a name and make it the default sdk if you wish.

    Don't forget to update your project xml namespace:

    <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/21.0">