Good Evening, I am working on an iOS mobile application that allows the mobile user to send geolocation data to the backend (BaasBox). I then want to be able to display all of the collected geolocation data, from the BaasBox database, in an online Mapping tool (MapBox).
What strategies are available to retrieve/load the BaasBox geolocation data, and display it in MapBox?
What technologies am I missing that makes this "connection" between the BaasBox data, and the MapBox presentation layer?
I am in the design phase of this project, and I want to be sure I am using the right tools for the job. Any guidance in this implementation would be greatly appreciated.
Very Respectfully, Robbie
So just in case this is looked at by anyone else, After more research, I decided to change the stack.
mobile client (ios and android) --> Firebase/geoFire --> Leaflet (in Browser)
This stack will accomplish what my app needs, and allows for me to scale up within Firebase if it does become successful.