
Error mergetool code compare in git

when I do git pull I've got some conflicts but I trying fix this conflicts with mergetool (code compare) I get this error:

Error mergetool code compare

my configuration of .gitconfig is this:

[difftool "codecompare"]
cmd = 'C:\\Program Files\\Devart\\Code Compare\\codecompare.exe' -W \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" 
renames = true

tool = codecompare
guitool = codecompare

[mergetool "codecompare"]
cmd = 'C:\\Program Files\\Devart\\Code Compare\\codemerge.exe' -MF=\"$LOCAL\" -TF=\"$REMOTE\" -BF=\"$BASE\" -RF=\"$MERGED\" 
trustExitCode = true

keepBackup = false

tool = codecompare
guitool = codecompare

the arguments are populating like:


"-MF=./DBchanges/file change DB1.0_LOCAL_3972.sql" 
"-TF=./DBchanges/file change DB1.0_REMOTE_3972.sql" 
"-BF=./DBchanges/file change DB1.0_BASE_3972.sql" 
"-RF=DBchanges/file change DB1.0.sql"

Do anybody know what could be the reason?

thanks everybody


  • I found the solution:

    the problem is in this line:

    [mergetool "codecompare"]
    cmd = 'C:\\Program Files\\Devart\\Code Compare\\codemerge.exe' -MF=\"$LOCAL\" -TF=\"$REMOTE\" -BF=\"$BASE\" -RF=\"$MERGED\" 

    we need change the simbols '=' for a space (-MF \"$LOCAL\") because the arguments are quoted like:

    "-MF=./DBchanges/file change DB1.0_LOCAL_3972.sql"

    and has to be like:

    -MF "./DBchanges/file change DB1.0_LOCAL_3972.sql"