
How to serve Beaker Notebook from different directory

Trying to experiment with Beaker Notebooks, but I can not figure out how to launch from a specified directory. I've downloaded the .zip file (I'm on Windows 10), and can launch from that directory using the beaker.command batch file, but cannot figure out where to configure or set a separate launch directory for a specific notebook. With Jupyter notebooks, launching from the saved .ipynb file serves from that directory, but I cannot figure out how to do the same for Beaker notebooks.

Does anyone know the correct method to serve a Beaker Notebook from various parent directories?



  • I was unable to figure out how to change the serving root folder, and I'm not sure if it is currently possible with beaker. It seems to be being discussed here. The work around is to copy the files you wish to serve into the default root folder, which is src/main/web in the beaker install folder reference. Might not be ideal, but it worked for my purposes.