mvc kendo panel bar

the current expand mode of my panel bars is multiple i couldn't change it to single i've tried with this instruction ExpandMode(Kendo.Mvc.UI.PanelBarExpandMode.Single); but i don't know its right place ! this is my code :

@model mvc_depences.Models.Profil
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/admin.cshtml";
 @using (Html.BeginForm("ExtractDroitwithBase", "Home"))
    <div class="form-horizontal">
        <h4 style="margin-right:100px"> Cr&#233;er un Nouveau Profil</h4>
        <hr />
        @Html.ValidationSummary(true, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
        <div class="form-group">
            @Html.LabelFor(model => model.libelleP, htmlAttributes: new { @class = "control-label col-md-2" })
            <div class="col-md-10">
              <input type="text" id="Profil" name="Profil" class="text"/>
                @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.libelleP, "", new { @class = "text-danger" })
                <h4> Droits :</h4>
            <br />
                <div style="width:250px">
        .Items(items =>
                .Text("Gestion des projets")
                    <p style="padding:0 1em">
                        <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion1" name="CkbQuestion1" type="checkbox" />
                        <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion1">Cr&#233;er Projet</label>
                        <br />
                        <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion2" name="CkbQuestion2" type="checkbox" />
                        <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion2">Consulter Projet</label>
                        <br />
                        <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion3" name="CkbQuestion3" type="checkbox" />
                        <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion3">Modifier Projet</label>
            <div style="width:250px ; ">
        .Items(items =>
                .Text("Gestion des depences")
                <p style="padding:0 1em">
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion1" name="CkbQuestion1" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion1">Cr&#233;er depence</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion2" name="CkbQuestion2" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion2">Consulter depence</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion3" name="CkbQuestion3" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion3">Modifier depence</label>
                <div style="width:250px ;">
        .Items(items =>
            .Text("Gestion des Recettes")
                <p style="padding:0 1em">
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion1" name="CkbQuestion1" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion1">Cr&#233;er recette</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion2" name="CkbQuestion2" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion2">Consulter recette</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion3" name="CkbQuestion3" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion3">Modifier recette</label>
            <div class="form-group">
                <div class="col-md-offset-3 col-md-10">
                    <input type="submit" value="Ajouter" class="btn btn-primary" style="width:200px" />

where should i inter the instruction ? this is my situation :


  • You can insert it right after the name property, but I'm not sure that is going to do what you expect since you have 3 different panel bars each with one item. I think you may want a single panelbar with 3 items where only one is expanded? Something like:

          .Items(items =>
                .Text("Gestion des projets")
                    <p style="padding:0 1em">
                        <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion1" name="CkbQuestion1" type="checkbox" />
                        <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion1">Cr&#233;er Projet</label>
                        <br />
                        <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion2" name="CkbQuestion2" type="checkbox" />
                        <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion2">Consulter Projet</label>
                        <br />
                        <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion3" name="CkbQuestion3" type="checkbox" />
                        <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion3">Modifier Projet</label>
                .Text("Gestion des depences")
                <p style="padding:0 1em">
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion1" name="CkbQuestion1" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion1">Cr&#233;er depence</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion2" name="CkbQuestion2" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion2">Consulter depence</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion3" name="CkbQuestion3" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion3">Modifier depence</label>
              .Text("Gestion des Recettes")
                <p style="padding:0 1em">
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion1" name="CkbQuestion1" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion1">Cr&#233;er recette</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion2" name="CkbQuestion2" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion2">Consulter recette</label>
                    <br />
                    <input class="k-checkbox k-checkbox" id="CkbQuestion3" name="CkbQuestion3" type="checkbox" />
                    <label class="k-checkbox-label" for="CkbQuestion3">Modifier recette</label>
          .Events(e => e.Select("expandCollapse"))

    EDIT - PanelBarExpandMode.Single will not allow you to close all the items by default, but you can do it with jquery. First add .Events(e => e.Select("expandCollapse")) as shown above then add this script at the bottom:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function expandCollapse(e) {
            if ($(e.item).is(".k-state-active")) {
                var that = this;
                window.setTimeout(function(){that.collapse(e.item);}, 1);