I am trying to send an email to all users from database with the value from textarea. But I am doing something wrong here. I think the problem is somewhere with selecting the data from database, because if I add just one email address manually it works.
PHP file
$banner = ($_POST['baner_text']);
$banner_message = str_replace("\n.", "\n..", $banner );
$sql_clients = "SELECT email FROM clients";
$result_clients = $conn->query($sql_clients);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_clients)) {
$emails = $row['email'] . ",";
$to = $emails;
$subject = '';
mail($emails, $subject, $banner_message);
You're not including extra emails in this part
$result_clients = $conn->query($sql_clients);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_clients)){
$emails = $row['email'] . ",";
The value is being overwritten. Instead of $emails = ...
, use $emails .= ...
adds extra text to the string, while =
overwrites it.