
Round Border around text

How can i apply the effect shown in the image using css

<div class="textstyle"><b>Sales Cash Invoice</b></div>



  • .textstyle {
      /* Changing background color */
      background-color: gray;
      /* Making font bold */
      font-weight: bold;
      /* Making border radius */
      border-radius: 20px;
      /* Making auto-sizable width */
      width: auto;
      /* Making auto-sizable height */
      height: auto;
      /* Making space around letters */
      padding: 5px 30px 5px 30px;
      /* Changing font size */
      font-size: 18px;
    <div class="textstyle">Sales Cash Invoice</div>

    If you want to add font, just add a new line to css font-family: font_name;. I can't do that because i don't know what font is on the image.

    For a more precise colors, use Color Picker.