Say I have
val obj1 = js.Dynamic.literal(attr1 = "x")
val obj2 = js.Dynamic.literal(attr2 = "y")
and I would like to combine obj1 and obj2 to yield and object of
{attr1 = "x", attr2 = "y"}
Does js.Dynamic have a method to yield such a combination?
There is no existing method doing that. In ES6 there is Object.assign
, but it is not supported in IE.
I recommend re-implementing it in Scala.js:
def mergeJSObjects(objs: js.Dynamic*): js.Dynamic = {
val result = js.Dictionary.empty[Any]
for (source <- objs) {
for ((key, value) <- source.asInstanceOf[js.Dictionary[Any]])
result(key) = value
And now you can simply do
mergeJSObjects(obj1, obj2)