
Delphi XE3 stringgrid fixed cell click event doesn't fire

I have a StringGrid component in Delphi. I would like to catch when user clicks to the fixed cells (header).

When I bound FixedCellClick event to the grid, event can only detects the click using the left button of the mouse. If I try that with the right button, nothing happens.

procedure TForm1.StringGrid1FixedCellClick(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer);

What is the solution?


  • As you have found, the Click events are typically associated with left-mouse button actions. To handle mouse button events more generally the Mouse events are more useful.

    In this case you can use the OnMouseButtonDown event.

    NOTE: This does not exactly correspond to a "click" since it occurs in response to the initial mouse down event, rather than reliably responding to a mouse-down-followed-by-a-mouse-up in the same region of a control.

    However, it is often good enough.

    The OnMouseButtonDown event includes a parameter that identifies the Button involved and the mouse X and Y positions. It also include a ShiftState to detect Ctrl and/or Shift key states during the event (if relevant).

    You can use these to detect a right-mouse button being pressed in your fixed rows/columns:

    procedure TfrmMain.StringGrid1MouseDown(Sender: TObject;
                                            Button: TMouseButton;
                                            Shift: TShiftState;
                                            X, Y: Integer);
      grid: TStringGrid;
      col, row: Integer;
      fixedCol, fixedRow: Boolean;
      grid := Sender as TStringGrid;
      if Button = mbRight then
        grid.MouseToCell(X, Y, col, row);
        fixedCol := col < grid.FixedCols;
        fixedRow := row < grid.FixedRows;
        if   (fixedCol and fixedRow) then
          // Right-click in "header hub"
        else if fixedRow then
          // Right-click in a "column header"
        else if fixedCol then
          // Right-click in a "row header"
          // Right-click in a non-fixed cell