
Debugging NEURON MOD files?

What are some useful ways to debug NEURON simulator .MOD files? In other languages one can usually use print() statements to see the variable values. Is there something like a print() statement in .MOD files?


  • Use printf() statements

    For example, in any of the sections within a .MOD file, adding the printf() statement below will print the variable t, i, and v values every time that section is evaluated during the simulation:

        SOLVE state METHOD cnexp
        g = (B - A)*gmax
        i = g*(v - e)
        printf("time: %g, current: %g, voltage: %g \n", t, i, v)

    Will result in something that looks like this:

    time: 231.062, current: 0.000609815, voltage: -67.2939 
    time: 231.188, current: 0.000609059, voltage: -67.2938 
    time: 231.312, current: 0.000608304, voltage: -67.2937 
    time: 231.438, current: 0.00060755, voltage: -67.2936 
    time: 231.562, current: 0.000606844, voltage: -67.2924 
