MeteorJS newbie here. I have a collection of "posts" which has fields: title, createdAt, body, userId. Although I only have two users, there seems to be a different userId for each post. I basically just want to display the blog posts, along with their respective user's e-mails. My current implementation is as follows and it is displaying the email of the current user, not the owner of the blog post's email:
"click .main-feed-post" : function(event) {
document.getElementById('post-view-email').innerHTML = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId}).emails[0].address;
That is currently outputting only the logged-in user's email address. The previous is for the viewing individual blog posts. In addition, I have a main feed where I list all the blog posts and their respective owner's emails:
{{#each posts}}
<li class="main-feed-post">
<div class="main-feed-post-data">
<label>BY</label> {{getUserEmail}} <label>AT</label> {{formattedDate}}
getUserEmail : function() {
return Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.userId}).emails[0].address;
This is outputting nothing, unless it is the current user's email. Ideally, I would add a username field to the user object and display that instead of the userId or email. I'm not sure how to implement this using the accounts-ui and accounts-password packages. Any help is welcome! Thanks in advance!
Inside Server:
Meteor.publish("allUsers", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({});
Meteor.publish("allUserData", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({}, {fields: {"emails.address": 1}});
Inside Client: