
Assistance with extracting URL from Pocket reading list using Python dictionary

Given this http response (a Python dictionary)

"given_title":"The Massive Ryder Cup Preview - The Triangle Blog - Grantland",
"resolved_title":"The Massive Ryder Cup Preview",
"excerpt":"The list of things I love about the Ryder Cup is so long that it could fill a (tedious) novel, and golf fans can probably guess most of them.",
    "width":"0","height":"0","credit":"Jamie Squire\/Getty Images","caption":""}},

How can I extract the "given_url" without knowing the "item_id" beforehand? (both are keys located at the top of the response).


  • You can use following code to extract all urls in case there many items under list:

    urls = [x['given_url'] for x in d['list'].itervalues() if 'given_url' in x]
    print urls # ['http:\\/\\/\\/blog\\/thetriangle\\/post\\/_\\/id\\/38347\\/ryder-cup-preview']