I use my Github account for both personal and professional projects. I'm a member of several Github "organizations" related to my professional life.
I'd like to start contributing to an open-source project in my free time, but the project requires me to sign a contribution agreement. The agreement is a Github application/bot that requires read-only access to my personal info (which is fine) but also admin access to my "repository webhooks and services."
The problem is, I don't feel comfortable allowing admin access of any kind to a third-party bot for the repositories belonging to my professional organizations. There doesn't seem to be a way to disallow access to my organizations without modifying the settings for everyone on the organizations themselves.
Is there any way around this besides maintaining separate Github accounts for my personal and professional identities?
I'm not sure why this question was downvoted; maybe it's too specific to my needs. However, I contacted Github support and received this answer:
GitHub does not have more granular permissions for third-party access restrictions other than what is outlined here:
As you mention, currently only the owner of an organization can enable third-party access restrictions -- it isn't possible for a user to set those restrictions when authorizing an app.
However, this is definitely a feature that has been requested before.