
how do i install pyffmpeg on windows 10

can anyone point me in the right direction in getting pyffmpeg installed on my windows 10 computer. I seem to be having quite a bit of trouble. is cython required for this? please all input is appreciated.

**update I installed cython and it got stuck on

it gets stuck installing on line 84

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\", line 84, in <module>
incdir = incdir + list(nd.get_numpy_include_dirs())
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'list' objects

the ffmpeg version is ffmpeg-20160415-git-21acc4d-win32-static

I did change the filepath for it as well


  • This line in

        incdir = path_join(ffmpegpath, 'include')

    is not ok since incdir needs to be an array here:

    if (with_numpy):
        incdir = incdir + list(nd.get_numpy_include_dirs())


    if sys.platform in [ 'win32', 'win64' ] :
        libs = static_resolver(libs)
        libinc += [ r'/mingw/lib' ] # it seems some people require this
        incdir = [ path_join(ffmpegpath, 'include') ]
        incdir = [ path_join(ffmpegpath, 'include'), "/usr/include" , "./include" ]

    This probably won't help you much since an old version of ffmpeg is probably needed.