I have workspace with n projects. I want to use ant
to build all the projects with one command. The projects are depend on each other
For example project A depends on project B, so I want B to compile first When I compile project An I need to use B's project classpath.
The dependencies between the projects are represented in a ivy.xml
The main challenge is that I have my own repository where all those projects have artifacts, and using the example I just gave Project A compiles against the B project coming from my the repository and not Against the B project that just was compiled.
I use CI process and I don't want to publish any project to my repository before all of them compiled and the the the QA tests was passed
What is the best practice build several projects with dependencies using ant?
You can combine the ivy buildlist task with subant to build the sub-projects in the correct order, based on dependencies.
See the following answer for an example:
Using this approach it's possible to re-create how Maven works without switching build tools.