Our alert looks like:
ALERT alert_name
FOR 30s
LABELS {some labels}
header = "<b> data is {{ $labels.label_name }} </b>"
email template looks like:
{{ define "our_default_template" }}
{{range .Alerts}}
{{ .Annotations.header }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
alertmanager.yml looks like:
- name: 'email-sender'
- to: "email address"
send_resolved: true
html: '{{ template "our_default_template" . }}'
- '<path to templates>/*tmpl'
We are getting emails but content is not right.
What we are getting in mail:
<b> data is label_value </b>
What we want:
data is label_value
So what we want is html output.
Can someone help with this?
Firstly I'd recommend against doing HTML on the Prometheus end, as that may cause maintenance issues as your system evolves.
It looks like Go's auto-escaping of HTML is what's happening here, so you need a way to tell Go's templating language that that's safe. The alertmanager doesn't have that function (Prometheus does), so I've filed https://github.com/prometheus/alertmanager/issues/314 for this.
Once that's fixed you'll be able to do {{ .Annotations.header | safeHtml }}