
Node http-proxy-middleware not working with local servers as targert

I have a node server and I am proxying my api requests using http-proxy-middleware, similar to what happens in this post. When I proxy to real production server everything works just fine, but when I point the proxy to a local server it just doesn't work.

This is my code:

app.use('/_api', proxy({target: 'http://localhost:9000', changeOrigin: true}));

The server on:

http://localhost:9000/hello is working (I can access it from my browser), but, when I try to access it from my own server, like this:


I am getting:

Cannot GET /_api/hello

If I replace localhost:9000 with real server, everything works...


  • Your proxied request is trying to access the local server using the original request path.

    Eg, when you request


    Your proxy is trying to access


    The _api/hello path does not exist on your localhost:9000, which is shown by the Cannot GET /_api/hello error.

    You need to rewrite your proxied request paths to remove the _api part:

    app.use('/_api', proxy({
        target: 'http://localhost:9000', 
        changeOrigin: true,
        pathRewrite: {
            '^/_api' : '/'