Anyone can teach me how to pass the username which come from "myData" to myFunction? For example "myData" got a username call "jack", how to pass the "jack" to myfunction?
myData = new{
transport: {
read: function (options) {
dataSource: myData,
template: '<tr><td>' + myFunction(username) +' </td></tr>'
function myFunction(name){
return xxx;
I tried several method, but no luck.
template: '<tr><td>' + myFunction(username) +' </td></tr>'
get username not defined.
template: '<tr><td>' + myFunction("username") +' </td></tr>'
template: '<tr><td>' + myFunction("#=username#") +' </td></tr>'
just get a string in my function.
I also tried with:
template: '<tr><td>#=myFunction(username)#</td></tr>'
But get myFunction not defined.
Anyone can help? Thanks.
You could try something like,
var getTemplate = function (e) {
// put a breakpoint here and inspect 'e' (data item)
return '<tr><td>' + e.username + ' </td></tr>'
dataSource: [{ id: 1, username: 'asd' }, { id: 2, username: 'asd' }],
template: getTemplate