I don't have much experience working with Spring Context and I don't know if this is possible...I'm trying to set into a Spring XML file a variable to define a bean reference (not a property).
Now I have a specidific xml:
<import resource="classpath:/events/key-events.xml" />
<context:annotation-config />
<bean id="keyIntegrator" class="com.emulated.KeySimulator" >
<property name="readList">
<bean class="com.emulated.ListEventGenerator">
<property name="eventList">
<ref bean="key-1-ok"/>
All the keys were defined in another xml file (key-events.xml).
I have to load in Java runtime the bean "keyIntegrator" with only one key, that is a input parameter in the Java program (I use the param to decide the xml file to load)
My question is if it's possible to define a variable inside the xml file and get the referenced bean using this variable:
Something like this:
<import resource="classpath:/events/key-events.xml" />
<context:annotation-config />
<bean id="keyIntegrator" class="com.emulated.KeySimulator" >
<property name="readList">
<bean class="com.emulated.ListEventGenerator">
<property name="eventList">
<ref bean="key-{inputKeyParam}-ok"/>
In the Java program I will need to pass the param to get the bean, something like this:
keySimulatorBean = (KeySimulator) context.getBean("keyIntegrator", "1");
There any way possible to make this ?
Thank you very much!
It is possible to do using Spring Expression Language.
For example reference to the bean can be defined using system property
<ref bean="key-#{systemProperties.inputKeyParam}-ok"/>
It will allow to reference different beans depending on provided VM option value, e.g. -DinputKeyParam=1