I have a .dll
named my.dll
, with 4 functions, called in python 3.5 using:
myDLL = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(Path:\to\my.dll)
My problem is calling a function that has LPSTR
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "newheader.h"
double _stdcall pain_function(double arg1, double arg2, LPSTR arg_string_with_spaces)
the other 3 calls to my.dll
work fine.
Below is the code I tried for the pain_function
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
# Load dll
myDLL = ctypes.WinDLL(Path:\to\my.dll)
# Call function
pain_function = myDLL.pain_function
# Typecast the arguments
pain_function.argtypes = [ctypes.c_double, ctypes.c_double, wintypes.LPSTR]
# Typecast the return
pain_function.restype = ctypes.c_double
pain_return = pain_function(arg1, arg2, some_string)
returns some nonsensical number. I tried some variations, mostly along the lines of:
some_string = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b' ' * 200)
I have looked here among other places:
What is this correct way to pass the string of 200 spaces to the dll?
Thank you in advance
You indicated the prototype was:
double _stdcall pain_function(double arg1, double arg2, LPSTR arg_string_with_spaces)
but using:
myDLL = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(Path:\to\my.dll)
It should be, for __stdcall
calling convention:
myDLL = ctypes.WinDLL('Path:\to\my.dll')