this is my class.. i kept it simple.
public void DummyClass {
public int id;
public List<DummyClass> dummyList;
getter / setter...
Assume i have a table (DummyTable) with 2 columns id, parentid and i have a number of rows for example:
1, 1 (the entry is parent)
2, 1 (the entry has parent with id 1)
3, 2 (the entry has parent with id 2)
4, 2 ..
5, 3 ..
6, 6 (the entry is parent)
7, 6 (the entry has parent with 6)
can someone tell me how it looks like in mybatis with annotation. i tried it like this:
public interface DummyMapper {
final String SelectAll = "Select * from DummyTable";
final String SelectDummy = "Select * from DummyTable where parentid = #{id}";
@Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
@Result(property = "dummyList", column = "id", javaType = java.util.List.class, many = @Many(select="getDummyChildren")
public DummyClass getAllDummies();
public DummyClass getDummyChildren()
someone has a link to a page where it is described how to do this.. or any ideas???
Ok I made a mistake.
public interface DummyMapper {
final String SelectAll = "Select * from DummyTable";
final String SelectDummy = "Select * from DummyTable where parentid = #{id}";
@Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
@Result(property = "dummyList", column = "id", javaType = java.util.List.class, many = @Many(select="getDummyChildren")
public DummyClass getAllDummies();
public List<DummyClass> getDummyChildren(@Param("id") int id);
First you are right. I should use a List as a return value of getDummyChildren. Then I extended getDummyChildren by @Param("id") and int id.
Problem solved. It worked fine for me.