
MediaWiki mass page rename

I need to rename all pages matching a certain pattern in MediaWiki. For any page containing XXXXX, it must be renamed to YYYYY. This includes page content as well as page names. For example, the wiki URL should be renamed to, and any text containing XXXXX should be replaced with YYYYY.

The Replace Text extension cannot be used for this, because it can only modify page content. I also need to rename the pages, and all references to them (including interwiki links).

What I have tried is this: dump the MySQL database, replace all occurrences of XXXX to YYYY, then drop and recreate the wiki database with the modified SQL script, and finally run the maintenance/rebuildall.php script (provided by MediaWiki).

The problem is that it does not work. When I search for a keyword, MediaWiki shows some hits with related page content. But when I open the URL, it shows "no content yet". I suspect that the reason for this is that some of the data is stored in PHP serialized form, and that cannot be replaced easily with a text search/replace.

So the question is: how do I rename all references in a MediaWiki database, including content and page names?


  • I could finish the task. Here are the steps:

    I did not accept miken's answer only because it was just half of the solution.