
Does Ant guarantee order of filesets?

in our project we use Ant to distribute files. There is hierarchy of files, and they overwrite files from previous level. Like this: default - level1 - level2. Currently it is made the way:

<copy todir="...">
 <fileset dir="${root}/default" includes="**/*" excludes="file1" />
 <fileset dir="${root}/level1" includes="**/*" />
 <fileset dir="${root}/level2" includes="**/*" excludes="file2"/>

So we expected that all the folders contain file with the same name, it will be taken from level2 directory.

Not long ago we moved to a new build box with another version of Java and we discovered that the order of filesets is broken.

Is there a way to fix this issue without modifying ant config files? We have a big number of it. If there is no way, how can I got it off cheap? Thank you.


  • I don't know if the order of filesets is quaranteed, but the order of copy tasks is. So, following the suggestion of this answer, it might be a good idea to write several copy tasks with overwrite="true":

    <copy todir="...">
      <fileset dir="${root}/default" includes="**/*" excludes="file1" />
    <copy todir="...">
      <fileset dir="${root}/level1" includes="**/*" overwrite="true" />
    <copy todir="...">
      <fileset dir="${root}/level2" includes="**/*" excludes="file2" overwrite="true" />