Effectively, I want to have a protocol that will return a Metatype (e.g.: Type.Type), which I can pass to a Class, and then when I need to, cast an object to that MetaType. The reason I'm to cast it is that it will be used in a tableView dequeue function, and I want to cast to the Type I've assigned.
Consider this condensed version (full version below).
let anyObject: AnyObject = anything()
let aType = type.type() // aType here is A.Type
if let newType = anyObject as? aType {
// error: 'aType' is not a type
I'm confused why this is not a type, since we can go aType.init() to initialise it?
The full sample code is below (and is OK to run in a Playground).
import UIKit
protocol P {
func type() -> A.Type
class A {
class B: A {
class C: A {
struct BData: P {
func type() -> A.Type {
return B.self
struct Foo {
let type: P
init(p: P) {
self.type = p
func create() {
let anyObject: AnyObject = anything()
let typeType = type.type()
if let newType = anyObject as? typeType {
func anything() -> AnyObject {
return B()
let data = BData()
let foo = Foo(p: data)
Playground execution failed: MyPlayground.playground:43:44: error: 'typeType' is not a type if let newType = anyObject as? typeType {
Ahmm. Very nice question. I had same 3-hours-pain few days ago. Finally, i found this answer, that main idea is:
Swift's static typing means the type of a variable must be known at compile time.
So, the way you coding unfortunately (or fortunately :) ) not allowed.