
How to programmatically prevent "conflicting provider" message

Can anybody tell me how I can install different builds for different flavors on one device without getting a "duplicate provider" error message neither in PlayStore nor in AndroidStudio?

I have different flavors for different countries in my app and it's annoying to always uninstall the app before installing another one.

I tried:

productFlavors {
    austria {
        manifestPlaceholders = [
            // prevent "duplicate provider authority" message
            providerAuthority: "",
    germany {
        manifestPlaceholders = [
            // prevent "duplicate provider authority" message
            providerAuthority: "",

and in my AndroidManifest I added:


to my


tag. This doesn't solve my problem.

I don't use a ContentProvider so I also tried adding a Stub ContentProvider class to the project and declared android:authorities="${providerAuthority}" inside the


tag including the name of the Stub ContentProvider --> no success. I would be very happy about some other ideas or corrections.


the error message I get from Android Studio when trying to install the app on my device.

this is the error message I get from Android Studio


  • I found the solution:

    I lied when I said I didn't have a provider. I just didn't use it any more. So the solution for my problem was here (or simply deleting the unused provider):

    I finally realized it by having a look into my generated / merged AndroidManifest in build/intermediates/manifests/ where I could find the Manifests for all my flavors. There I saw that one provider always had the same authority.

    Another problem could have also been (but didn't apply to me)