
Traveling Salesman: Get all possible Paths with recursion

I am trying to write a recursion method to calculate all possible paths of the traveling salesman problem:

def allPaths(toCover, path=""):

    path = path + toCover[0]

    if len(toCover)>0:
        for x in range (0, len(toCover)):
            #swop cities
            temp = toCover[0]
            toCover[0] = toCover[x]
            toCover[x] = temp
            allPaths(toCover, path)
    else :
        print path

cities = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]


So, I have a list of cities.

I add the first city in the list to the current path. I remove the added city from the cities toCover list. For each remaining city in the list I call the allPaths() function again. I modify the list parameter, that each city is on index 0 once.

(I want call the allPaths with the following list instances:



However, when I am debugging this, the cities-toCover list gets modified across all "instances" of allPaths. Which means, it returns the first valid path "ABCD", but then does not continue because for the next call, all cities have already been removed.

What am I doing wrong?

I hope this explanation is some what clear...


  • The solution is easy. It's because toCover (wich should be named to_cover, if you ask me, but hey, it's your code ^^) is a list. Lists are mutable, that means that every instance holds a reference to the original object, resulting in the problem that all changes are done on all references (ok, they are really just done to the object, but the references point to that object, so...).

    You can solve it in three ways: