When making customize calendar, how can I set a date and get the total days of that month? Or even get the week day of that specific date? Like April is 30 Days, May is 31 days, February every 4 years is 29 days and week days are different every year.
I'm using Jambi (Qt 4.7 in java) and I want to make calendar with few QComboBox
, and I use QDate
to get the current date like so:
//return current year
//return total days in current month
//return current month
//return current day in month
//return current day in week
The thing is that what I'm getting is current information.
I looked into QData documentation, I couldn't find any option to set date so i can get info from it, any ideas?
Just use the constructor to pass the date you want?
For example:
QDate date = new QDate(202, 2, 1);