I'm trying to add the package org.jibble.pircbot to my test archive using shrinkwrap. I've tried every variation I can think of, but in all cases the package is not found. However, for some reason, the classes can be added individually, but any anonymous inner classes are not added.
public static WebArchive createDeployment() {
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "RcCustomerTest.war")
// .addPackages(true, PircBot.class.getPackage())
// .addPackages(true, "org.jibble.pircbot")
.addClass(DccManager.class) // Inner classes not added!
.addPackages(true, "com.recursiveloop.webcommon")
.addPackages(true, "com.recursiveloop.jloop.core.irc")
.addAsWebInfResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource("jboss-web.xml", "jboss-web.xml")
.addAsWebInfResource("jboss-deployment-structure.xml", "jboss-deployment-structure.xml")
.addAsResource("persistence.xml", "META-INF/persistence.xml")
This results in the exception
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jibble/pircbot/DccManager$1
at org.jibble.pircbot.PircBot.<init>(PircBot.java:3081)
This is odd because browsing the shrinkwrap source code I found a function that makes the following assertion
Assert.assertTrue("Adding a class should also add the anonymous inner classes",
But sadly, it seems that no test cases actually call this function.
However, the question remains - why isn't shrinkwrap finding the package when I call addPackages(true, "org.jibble.pircbot")? I look at the resulting archive and there's no sign of org.jibble.pircbot, and obviously there are the inevitable ClassDefNotFound exceptions:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed to link com/recursiveloop/jloop/core/irc/VisitorConnection (Module "deployment.RcCustomerTest.war:main" from Service Module Loader): org/jibble/pircbot/PircBot
I'm using gradle, but if I was using maven, the maven resolver would probably do the job. There's a gradle resolver, but it doesn't quite do the same thing. My best attempt at using it was as follows
return ShrinkWrap.create(EmbeddedGradleImporter.class)
This kicks off a gradle task and inserts the test classes into the resulting archive. The challenge was getting gradle to build a correct war file. I wanted it to contain the resource files (deployment descriptor's etc.) belonging to the integration test sourceset, not the main sourceset, but I just couldn't get it to work.
FYI I'm using shrinkwrap version 1.2.3, which is the latest.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I solved it by using the maven resolver as follows:
return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class, "RcCustomerTest.war")
The POM file is generated using gradle's eclipse plugin, like so
task writeNewPom << {
pom {
which is set to run before the integration test.
It turns out that the maven resolver can be used without a POM, but you'd have to specify the artifact in the test and make sure it remains up-to-date with what your project uses. Integration tests are already a pain to maintain, so it's better to resolve the dependency from the POM so you know that it's the right version (one less thing to worry about).