
Python Code Coverage and Multiprocessing

I use coveralls in combination with to track python code coverage of my testing scripts. I use the following commands:

coverage run --parallel-mode --source=mysource --omit=*/stuff/idont/ ./mysource/tests/
coverage combine
coveralls --verbose

This works quite nicely with the exception of multiprocessing. Code executed by worker pools or child processes is not tracked.

Is there a possibility to also track multiprocessing code? Any particular option I am missing? Maybe adding wrappers to the multiprocessing library to start coverage every time a new process is spawned?


I (and jonrsharpe, also :-) found a monkey-patch for multiprocessing.

However, this does not work for me, my Tracis-CI build is killed almost right after the start. I checked the problem on my local machine and apparently adding the patch to multiprocessing busts my memory. Tests that take much less than 1GB of memory need more than 16GB with this fix.


The monkey-patch does work after a small modification: Removing the config_file parsing (config_file=os.environ['COVERAGE_PROCESS_START']) did the trick. This solved the issue of the bloated memory. Accordingly, the corresponding line simply becomes:

cov = coverage(data_suffix=True)


  • Coverage 4.0 includes a command-line option --concurrency=multiprocessing to deal with this. You must use coverage combine afterward. For instance, if your tests are in, then you would simply do this at the command line:

    coverage run --concurrency=multiprocessing
    coverage combine