
Drawing UML class diagram for a blogging system

I'm trying to draw the correspond UML class diagram of the use case diagram of a simple blogging system, which is displayed as follows: enter image description here

To draw the class diagram, there should be two classes: User and Blog. But I have difficult drawing the association between them because there could be two different multiplicities in the relations between those two classes. For example, when user create a blog, the class diagram would look like this: enter image description here

But in terms of user viewing blog, the multiplicity is different as a certain blog can be viewed by not only 1 user, so the class diagram would look like this: enter image description here

So how can I solve this issue in solution domain?


  • In addition to Thomas' answer:

    enter image description here

    You could show the navigation arrow. But in your system, the navigation will certainly be bidirectional.

    A more systematic approach to the use case analysis is to use the entity- control-boundary approach, and use the following classes for the design: