So I have my SPA application.
Here on plunker (I'll not paste all the code, as it is too much) you can see the it's parts recreation (the structure and the hierarchy are the same).
Where did the problem started... By the design doc, On one of the pages we have a link to a policy documentation and a checkbox for a client to check, that he did read it.
By design:
Thanks to Rafaeelloo and Kobi Cohen I could get the code simplified a lot, and to get rid of the watches, and useless stuff...
For now this is what I have...
Here is the directive controller:
app.directive('checkBox', [function() {
var directive = {
scope: {},
restrict: 'E',
controller: function() {},
controllerAs: 'checkBoxCtrl',
bindToController: {
ngModel: '=',
callback: '&callback',
text: '@'
templateUrl: 'check-box.directive.view.html',
link: function() {},
require: 'ngModel'
return directive;
And directive html:
<div class="checkboxContainer">
<label class="btn btn-checkbox" ng-class="{'active': checkBoxCtrl.ngModel}"
ng-click="checkBoxCtrl.ngModel = !checkBoxCtrl.ngModel; checkBoxCtrl.callback()">
<span class="checkboxPic"></span>
<span class="checkboxText">{{checkBoxCtrl.text}}</span>
Here is view html:
<check-box text="check me" ng-model="viewCtrl.checkBoxResult"
<a ng-click="viewCtrl.openGoogleClicked = true" href="//" target="_blank">Open Google</a>
check box result: {{viewCtrl.checkBoxResult}}
google opened: {{viewCtrl.openGoogleClicked}}
callback function called: {{viewCtrl.callbackCalled}}
And this is view controller:
angular.module('app').controller('viewController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
this.callback = function callback() {
this.callbackCalled = true;
if (this.checkBoxResult && angular.isUndefined(this.openGoogleClicked)) {
this.checkBoxResult = false;
The question/problem/opened question: Callback
is called before the ngModel
of the view controller had been changed. So it doesn't really meter if I change it back to false
within the callback
, or not, as after a callback
the directive
(as I understand) still binds the new value to it.
Is there a cure to this?
Depending on what you're trying to do, you may do it like here (here)
or you can write validator that has function to determine validity (here is example of writing your own validator) then your form and checkbox will have invalid
what is in my opinion better than disallowing user to check the checkbox