
Mustachio: if-statement without scoping - is it possible?

I'm moving e-mail templates from Mandrill to Postmark which requires converting Handlebars to Mustachio. In Handlebars I had something like this:

{{#if some_variable}}
<p>This text uses variable: {{some_variable}}

According to Mustache documentation it should look like this after converting:

<p>This text uses variable: {{some_variable}}

The problem is that Postmark's Mustachio uses scoping (, so in that case it expects following JSON model:

    "some_variable": {
        "some_variable": "some_variable_value"

instead of

    "some_variable": "some_variable_value"

Does anyone know how to turn off Mustachio's scoping, so it uses expected exemplary JSON model? The only workaround (dirty one) I see so far is to pass template model in this nested object form, but I already found out that it wont work in all cases. Thanks in advance, any help appreciated.


  • Ok, found an anwser to that problem. According to the docs what I should do in that case is:

    <p>This text uses variable: {{.}}</p>

    Then sending JSON model like:

        "some_variable": "some_variable_value"

    will result in

    <p>This text uses variable: some_variable_value</p>

    So the answer to the problem is to use {{.}} operator that points to the tag value.