
how to get Campaign status (campaign budget constrained/ Limited by Budget) using google adword API

I am using google Adwords API to know my campaign status , here i am trying to know stats of all my previous day campaign which are limited by budget. for the same what i have done is - reportType = 'CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT' $selector->fields = 'CampaignName','CampaignStatus', 'Clicks', 'Cost'.

currently as the result i am getting all the campaign those are either Enabled of Paused none of them are shown as Limited By Budget even though there are some campaign with limited budget in my Adwords account. i am attaching screen shot with report type and contents fields on it. campaign stsus Please guide me to get desired output. Thanks

limited by budget error - cost is 112 only though budget is 300


  • There is not "Limited By Budget" field in that report. Maybe you can take the cost and the budget and see if it's limited